Nomad Coffee
Spanish roastery founded by Jordi Mestre. The story starts in 2011 when Jordi worked in roasteries and cafes in London. After a while, he decided to start his own business, a coffee cart, which soon turned out to be successful. In 2013, Jordi moved to Barcelona and set up a speciality coffee roastery combined with a cafe and barista training centre.
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Brewing Method
Roasted in
Tasting notes
- Wholesale
Filtering and sorting
- 19 of 19 available products
Nomad Coffee - Rwanda Ngororero Washed Filter 250g
Manufacturer: NOMAD COFFEE
Roasting date: 13.01.2025
Whole-bean specialty coffee from Rwanda, roasted by Nomad Coffee from Spain. Light roast, perfect for filter coffee machines, drippers, Chemex, AeroPress, French Press, and other pour-over brewing methods. Fruity, with delicate texture. In the cup, you can expect the notes of honey, raspberry, and flowers.Country: RwandaWashing station: NgororeroProcessing: WashedVarietal: Red BourbonAltitude: 1600 - 2000 m a.s.l.
Nomad Coffee - Ethiopia Bombe Washed Filter 250g
Manufacturer: NOMAD COFFEE
Roasting date: 19.11.2024
Whole-bean specialty coffee from Ethiopia, roasted by Nomad Coffee from Spain. Light roast, perfect for filter coffee machines, drippers, Chemex, AeroPress, French Press, and other pour-over brewing methods. You can expect hints of blackberry and white sugar, with floral aroma. Country: EthiopiaRegion: SidamaProducer: 667 local farmersProcessing: WashedAltitude: 1920 - 2020 m a.s.l.Varietal: Heirloom
Nomad Coffee - Colombia Chambaku Washed Decaf Espresso 250g
Manufacturer: NOMAD COFFEE
Roasting date: 30.01.2025
Decaffeinated whole-bean specialty coffee from Colombia, roasted by Nomad Coffee from Spain. Medium roast, perfect for espresso machines and moka pots. In the cup, you can expect the notes of chocolate, golden apple, and Muscovado sugar.Country: ColombiaRegion: ChambakuProcessing: Washed decaffeinationVarietal: CastleAltitude: 1400 - 1700 m a.s.l.
Nomad Coffee - Rwanda Bugoyi Natural Filter 250g
Manufacturer: NOMAD COFFEE
Roasting date: 30.01.2025
Whole-bean specialty coffee from Rwanda, roasted by Nomad Coffee from Spain. Light roast, perfect for filter coffee machines, drippers, Chemex, AeroPress, French Press, and other pour-over brewing methods. In the cup, you can expect the notes of milk chocolate, watermelon, and nectarine.Country: RwandaRegion: KivuProcessing: NaturalVarietal: Red BourbonAltitude: 1500 - 1900 m a.s.l.
Nomad Coffee - Ethiopia Abebe Hewiso Natural Espresso 250g
Manufacturer: NOMAD COFFEE
Roasting date: 30.01.2025
Whole-bean specialty coffee from Ethiopia, roasted by Nomad Coffee from Spain. Medium roast, perfect for espresso machines and moka pots. In the cup, you can expect the notes of orange, pear, and figs.Country: EthiopiaRegion: SidamoProcessing: NaturalVarietal: JARC 74110Altitude: 1800 - 2100 m a.s.l.
Nomad Coffee - Colombia Fruity Mango Washed Omniroast 250g
Manufacturer: NOMAD COFFEE
Roasting date: 30.01.2025
Whole-bean specialty coffee from Colombia, roasted by Nomad Coffee from Spain. Omniroast, perfect for all brewing methods. In the cup, you can expect the notes of mango, caramel, and passion fruit.Country: ColombiaRegion: Acevedo, HuilaProcessing: Washed, extended fermentationVarietal: CaturraAltitude: 1730 m a.s.l.