Caffenation Coffee
A speciality coffee roastery from Antwerp, Belgium. The main concept behind Caffenation is to roast only the highest quality beans, with complex flavours and known origin. Coffee is roasted in small portions, allowing clients to always have the access to freshly roasted beans. Caffenation offers beans from various plantations all around the world, intended for different brewing methods.
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- Caffenation (14)
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- Story Coffee Roasters (37)
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- teapigs (86)
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- The Barn (13)
- The Coffee Collective
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- Timemore (59)
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- Vialli Design (4)
- Vintage Teas (64)
- VST inc. (10)
- WildPower (18)
- Wilfa (20)
- Willie's Cacao (44)
- YOCO (14)
- YOGI TEA (29)
Brewing Method
Roasted in
Tasting notes
- Wholesale
Filtering and sorting
- 14 of 14 available products
Caffenation - Super NOVA - 10 Capsules
Manufacturer: CAFFENATION
Speciality coffee capsules from Caffenation. The package contains 10 capsules. Super NOVA is 100% Arabica from Guatemala, with notes of white grapes and brown sugar.Great for the enthusiasts of both black and white coffee.Country: GuatemalaRegion: HuehuetenangoProducer: Fredy Morales and Selvin PalaciosVariety: Bourbon, CaturraAltitude: 1600 m a.s.l.The capsules are compatible with Nespresso® home coffee machines. They are made of plant-based materials: sugarcane and sugar beet, which makes them eco-friendly and fully compostable.
Caffenation - Roast ED - 10 Capsules
Manufacturer: CAFFENATION
Speciality coffee capsules from Caffenation. The package contains 10 capsules. Roast ED is an espresso blend created from the finest origin coffees. This version is the Roast ED variant with 1/3 Ethiopia Yirgacheffe gr2, 1/3 Brazil Rose Diamond Natural, 1/3 Guatemala Huehuetenango. Perfect for espresso enthusiasts. The capsules are compatible with Nespresso® home coffee machines. They are made of plant-based materials: sugarcane and sugar beet, which makes them eco-friendly and fully compostable.
Caffenation - Miss XX - 10 Capsules
Manufacturer: CAFFENATION
Speciality coffee capsules from Caffenation. The package contains 10 capsules. Miss XX is 100% Arabica from Brazil - full-bodied and fruity, with notes of honey.Great for the enthusiasts of both black and white coffee.Country: EthiopiaAltitude: 1850 1880 m a.s.l.The capsules are compatible with Nespresso® home coffee machines. They are made of plant-based materials: sugarcane and sugar beet, which makes them eco-friendly and fully compostable.
Caffenation - Sweet JOSE - 10 Capsules
Manufacturer: CAFFENATION
Decaf speciality coffee capsules from Caffenation. The package contains 10 capsules. Sweet JOSE is 100% organic Arabica from Colombia - expect long aftertaste, full bodied. Decaffeinated using sugar-cane method, without artificial chemicals.Perfect for the enthusiasts of decaf coffee.The capsules are compatible with Nespresso® home coffee machines. They are made of plant-based materials: sugarcane and sugar beet, which makes them eco-friendly and fully compostable.
Caffenation - Colombia Antioquia Bomba de Fruta Natural Espresso 1kg (outlet)
Manufacturer: CAFFENATION
Roasting date: 12.06.2024
Kawa ziarnista jakości speciality pochodząca z Kolumbii, wypalona w belgijskiej palarni Caffenation. Palona w średnim stopniu, przeznaczona do espresso - doskonale sprawdzi się w ekspresach ciśnieniowych i kawiarkach. W smaku dobrze zbalansowana, o nutach lemoniady wiśniowej, dojrzałych owoców tropikalnych i owoców kandyzowanych. Kraj pochodzenia kawy: KolumbiaRegion: AntioquiaMetoda obróbki: NaturalProducent: Juan SaldarriagaPołożenie upraw: 1800 m n.p.m.OPINIA ROASTERA:Ta kawa to świadectwo trwałego partnerstwa między Caffenation a Juanem, a także naszego zaangażowania w dostarczanie wyjątkowych kaw miłośnikom kawy na całym świecie.Produkcja kaw naturalnych, takich jak ta, wiąże się z wyzwaniami, szczególnie dla lokalnych producentów. W przeciwieństwie do kaw mytych, które w Kolumbii można sprzedać do Krajowej Federacji Plantatorów Kawy (FNC), kawy naturalne często nie znajdują rynku lokalnie. Stwarza to dylemat dla producentów, którzy muszą radzić sobie z ryzykiem i niepewnością związanymi z tą metodą produkcji.Jednak pomimo tych wyzwań Juan nadal co roku produkuje wyjątkowe kawy naturalne. Jakość jego kawy jest tak wyjątkowa, że chętnie płacimy za nią cenę znacznie przewyższającą ceny FNC lub Fairtrade.
Caffenation - Mister LGB - 10 Capsules
Manufacturer: CAFFENATION
Speciality coffee capsules from Caffenation. The package contains 10 capsules. Mister LGB is a union of two refined washed coffees, specially roasted and blended: the perfect base for your favourite cappuccino or flat white. Drink it black if you love a bright cup with pronounced acidity and sweet, fruity flavours.This version of the Mister LGB is the 2020 blend with the Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Organic and Peru Cajamarca Huabal as components.The capsules are compatible with Nespresso® home coffee machines. They are made of plant-based materials: sugarcane and sugar beet, which makes them eco-friendly and fully compostable.
Caffenation - Brazil IAN - 10 Capsules
Manufacturer: CAFFENATION
Speciality coffee capsules from Caffenation. The package contains 10 capsules. Brazil IAN is 100% Arabica from Brazil - full-bodied and fruity, with notes of chocolate.Great for the enthusiasts of both black and white coffee.Country: BrazilRegion: Carmo de CachoeiraProducer: Jose Vitor LuzVariety: Yellow CatuaiAltitude: 1000 m a.s.l.The capsules are compatible with Nespresso® home coffee machines. They are made of plant-based materials: sugarcane and sugar beet, which makes them eco-friendly and fully compostable.
Caffenation - Colombia Antioquia Bomba de Fruta Natural Espresso 1kg
Manufacturer: CAFFENATION
Roasting date: 12.06.2024
Whole-bean specialty coffee from Colombia, roasted in Belgium by Caffenation. Medium roast, perfect for espresso machines and moka pots. Well-balanced cup with the notes of cherry lemonade, ripe tropical fruits, and candy fruits.Country: ColombiaRegion: AntioquiaProcessing: NaturalProducer: Juan SaldarriagaAltitude: 1800 m a.s.l.