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Arabica Selection Monoarabica is a new line of single origin coffee from illy's roaster. The beans from Ethiopia that provide mild acidity and delicate floral jasmine aroma.

Ethiopia is the country where the history of coffee began. Coffea often grows here in the wild, but it is also grown on farms and in private gardens. The beans are harvested by hand. The beans from that region have distinctive slightly floral and citrus aroma.
Brand: Illy
Package: 250 g
Country of origin: Ethiopia
Whole bean / Ground Coffee: Whole bean
Arabica / Robusta: 100% Arabica
Roast level: dark
Brewing method: Espresso
Manufacturer's name and address: Illycaffè S.p.A. | P.IVA 00055180327 | Via Flavia 110, 34147 Trieste - Italy / Włochy
EAN: 8003753970066
Index: 0101000099
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